Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Elba Nunez

HOUSTON/WASHINGTON, June 30 (Reuters) - Waves and wind spawned by Hurricane Alex disrupted cleanup efforts from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on Wednesday while a senior US official said a relief well intended to plug BP ...


Bobbie Feldman

HOUSTON/WASHINGTON, June 30 (Reuters) - Waves and wind spawned by Hurricane Alex disrupted cleanup efforts from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on Wednesday while a senior US official said a relief well intended to plug BP ...





How to Play Casino Games Online

People love playing games online, and many get addicted to them. Casino games are very popular and playing them online has become a great pastime for many. There are games such as roulette, keno, slots, blackjack and video poker, just to name a few. The following will help you learn how you can play casino games online.


Step 1
Decide whether you want to play for free or use money. Obviously, if you decide you want to gamble you should always be prepared to lose, so don't put in more than you can afford.
Step 2
Download anti-virus protection--this is a necessity.
Step 3
Find sites. There are sites where you can play for free. Some are listed in the resource section.
Step 4
Open an account if required. Most of the time it will be for a free account, but some sites require you to deposit money to play. These are good and bad sites, since you have the chance to win--or lose.
Step 5
Download software, if necessary, to play on the site. Some sites require you to download their software even to play online, Make sure you computer has enough hard drive space.
Step 6
Decide which game you want to play. This will also help you to choose which site you want to play at. There are numerous sites and you have to narrow it down somehow.
Step 7
Play your game. Have fun especially if you are on a free site. If you have chosen to play for money, watch your money and try to quit when you are ahead or at least when you have broken even.

Hattie Dunham

Hattie Dunham

High doses of caffeine can increase muscle power and endurance, researchers from Coventry University said in a news release.


The scientists said the work could have an impact on how caffeine is used in sports.


"A small increase in performance via caffeine could mean the difference between a gold medal in the Olympics and an also-ran", said lead researcher Dr. Rob James.


Caffeine is not currently listed by the World Anti-Doping Agency as a banned substance, according to a news release on the new study. Before 2004, there was a level of caffeine athletes could not exceed.


The study tested muscle use in mice at both maximal and sub-maximal levels. Maximal is efforts such as sprinting or weight lifting; sub-maximal covers everyday activity and sports at lower intensities.


A high does of caffeine boosted performance by about 6 percent during both types of activities. Researchers said that effect could be similar in people.

te3s4i0 te3s4i0

Jasper Esposito

Jasper Esposito

The 2-year-old son of former NFL QB Randall Cunningham died on Tuesday after a woman found the child floating in a backyard hot tub.

Las Vegas police Lt. Dennis Flynn told the Las Vegas Review-Journal the death appeared to be an accident.

Cunningham was not home at the time of Christian Cunningham's death, the paper said, but was en route back to Las Vegas.

The former NFL QB is a pastor in Las Vegas. He played in the NFL for 16 season from 1985-2001.

-- Sean Leahy

te3s4i0 te3s4i0

Kendall Logan

Kendall Logan te3s4i0 te3s4i0

Monday, June 28, 2010



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Friday, June 25, 2010



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Friday, June 18, 2010

Emilio Valle

Emilio Valle yu7u8i9o0pyy

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

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