Friday, February 19, 2010

If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.

Sexual Health

Restore your sex life,
or just give it a little kick.

Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently.

This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever.

With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well.

What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you.

Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement.

Always be ready.

If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra.

When the time is right, you'll always be ready.




If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.

Relax and take your time.

CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes.

With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time.


Acai Berry Elite Review


Acai Berry Elite Review

Acai Berry Elite is one of the capsule types of extracted Acai berry. There seem to be a lot of these types of Acai supplement available but don't forget the juice type of supplement's that are also available if these suit your lifestyle better they can be quite a refreshing drink full of nutrition and goodness.

People are getting some great results with Acai Berry Elite that are normal for Acai based supplements. With users reporting some great weight loss figures people loosing 22lbs in a short space of time, looking great and feeling fantastic.

But remember the Acai berry is not just about weight loss. It is about a whole lot of other things besides and has some miraculous benefits for us. These benefits are in many areas of the body, a lot of these benefits are due to the amount of antioxidant's that the fruit contains. Clearing out the toxins that are in us and helping our body to do what it is supposed to do.

The Acai berry and the supplements that are based on it like Acai Berry Ultimate have received some great praise from celebrities and normal everyday people alike. The fruit has undergone some scientific research to see if it is possible to do what the claims say it can. Short term studies have shown that it can have some serious benefits for us even helping to weaken and kill cancerous cells. Longer term studies are ongoing which will be interesting to see.

Click here to get a FREE Bottle of Acai Berry Elite!!!

Anti-oxidant cleansing is all the rage right now. The popularity of Acai Berry is steadily increasing thanks to many hight profile stars in Hollywood. Celebrities are now using Acai Berry to give them the anti-oxidant fighting superpower they need. Acai is now becoming the berry of choice amongst the celeb elite!

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6t6yeu8i9 F+ormula_ 1 ,Series, Chro_nogr+aphJ1-2 Classi.c D'iamond,s C_hronogra+phTan+k Ame'ricain,eJout_ & Nu+it, Automat'icLou_is Vu'it_ton B_ags & Wa.llet*sAs+sioma_ Chro'nographF-ull' Si+ze Five' Time Z_one W+atch'es *47mm .Leathe+r Ba+ndTradi+tion- Tourbi-l*lon Colle+ctio-nM*ille M+iglia C-hro.nograph *Ru,bber+ Stra,pTank Fra-n_caise Ch_ro.nographP-enda+nt18K*t/SS Tw,o+ Tone. Date+justSan*tos 10*0 Fly-ing 'Tourb'illion,Casab*lanca -SS ,Brace.let+Omega Se+amaste'r' Railma'ster ,Chrono-gra.phLou'is Bags &- W*allet.sGrand Ca'r-rera Cali.bre _Chro.nograp'hAl+umin*iumJaco-b & Co_Lang-ematik- Per.petualB+R Gr_an+d Complic,a.tion Ch_ronog_raphS+eamaste+r Co-_Axia.lTho_usa+nds of_ Feet +CS3 +Chro_nograph'Longin_esLo*uis* Vuitto,n Bag's & Wal_le*tsLum-inor Cl_assic,Time_walke,r Ser*ies _Chro.nogra'phFlig'ht Deck' C+hrono-graph ,Tourbi-llon.Whit+e Murak.amiLou_is Vu_itto,n Bags +& Wal-l_etsLouis. Vuit_ton 'Bags -& Wa.lletsLou*is. Vui.tton Keyc*hai,nsEl.liptica-Tiff-any &, CO _Necklac.eOyste*r P+erpet.ual, 18k *GoldTi,ffan*y & CO* Neckla'ce'Ferrar'i Scude+ria 'GMTGuc,ci R-olle'rUlyss,es Nar-din-Must _De C'artier.Ferrari *Sc-uder'ia GMTL-ink -Calibre, 5 A*utomati.cJa'cob ,& CoL-ouis V,uitton- Bags- & Wal-le-tsNav_itimer 1,25'E Chron'ograp-hL_uminor M.ari,na L,eather 'BandWat+ches *Time_ Wa.lker- GMT A'utoma-tic _Chrono_graphP+anomati'cLi-mited F+F* Edition+ Chr'onogr'aphLon, Sp_eedmaste.r Rac,ing -Ch+ronom-eterDiorB+allo_n 'Glass Max*i M+ari'ne Chr'onomete+rAssi'oma 'Chr,onograp.hGC Div+er C+hi_c Chron_ograph.Speed+ma_sterTT1+Erg*onFor,mula *1 Series *Chron'o-graphL,ouis V.uitto'n Bag-s & .Walle'tsCa'rtier .Pendant'SE_Submers'ible 19+7_3BR01 To+ur_billon R.ubber +Str,apSarca.r+Luminor _Ma*rina Le*ather B*andC*artie.r Ball.point*Dupo*nt _Replica_ Lig_hters C'oll_ectio-n 2005L*ouis. V-uitton B+ags &* Wa.lletsPre-ciou*s Me*tal* Flight MBWh'ite ,Murakam,iSu+per Oc'eanL+ouis Vu*itto_n Bags- & W*all,etsMust' De .Cartier+Flight, -Deck C_hronogr.aph T.our+bill*onChopar*dLo*uis Vuit+ton *Bags &* 'WalletsL'imite-d & Nu-m'bered Edi,tions,Light_ers+Gold,en Tourb_illo*n +Panora'miqu*eLuminor 'Regat't*aFormula- 1* Series C-hron*ograph.Bvlg_ari, Cuffli.nks.Jaquet D+r*ozJub-ilee Date_just* 18k ,& ,SSJac*ob & .CoFormu*la ,1 Serie+s Formu+la' 1Aqua,racer' Cal.ibre 5. Aut_omatic C'hrono.g.raphCra-zy Hour-s Tou,rb*illo.nDe Vi'lle Co A' 3 'faced +Chronom*e-terED+CION Limi,tad'a C,hronogra+ph'Omega Sp_eedm.aster S+noop+y E*ditionL-ouis V+uit_ton B*ags &, Wal.letsLou'is' Vuitton 'B'ags & 'Wall,etsKeycha.ins+Astro,nomica*l +Celestia.l Doub,le Di-alPro'f-essiona+l Go,lf Wat-chAl_uminiu*m Chron*ograp-hD-upont. Cufflin.ks*EDCION _Limit+ada -Chrono.gr_aphAqua'racerF_errari'Brei_tling'Gr_ande .Compl*icatio.ns Pe-rpetua*l Cal,end-er Chro+nogra,phRo,yal O'ak Offsh.o're T3M'ille,naryF+ormula' 1 S,eries *Chrono-grap+hPre+sident* 18k+ GoldLoc_ket+Tourbi-lli,on Chro-nog.raphs+Complica.tio'ns Chron_og,raphL_e Gran,de Cla'ssique+ _Quartz 3-7mmPro*fi,le XL' Chro-nographM*onz.a C,alibr+e 36Lim.ited *FF Edit,ion 'Chrono_graph-J12 C*las+sic Di-amon'dsAr'mani +Keychai+ns*Rattrapan*te_Architec+te GM'TAdm'ir_al's C_up Tou.rbill,ion 4*8Fl'yback S+por-ts Ch*ronograp+hPl+atinum/_Whi-te G'old Oy+ster* Datej'ustJub-ile. Quart_z Men W+ith D.iam.ond B.ezel Opt,ion'Migli-a Gran ,Tur+ismo _XL Chr-onog-raphSpo'rts C-oll,ect'ion Conqu+estSe+r+enadeRo,lex D+ate*justsBR S.Penda*nt'Emporio- A.rmani+Migli*a Gran Tu*ris+mo *XLLouis- Vuit_ton Bag.s & W,al'letsSe_amaster-Oval .Ser*ies,Hermes W*atches*S_ T Dup-ont Lig.hters* Go_ld Seri_esLoui-s Vu.itton +B_ags & ,Wallet,sTourb.illi+on Moo'np-haseSarca*rPano*mati+cMaste+rp_iece Wh*ite Go*ldMon_og*ram Perf'oG,uessGC* SE 1 _Chr-onograph,Ti+ffan-y & Co Je.wel.ryCla*ssi-co To,urbillon -Chro+nog+raphDe, Ville, Co *Axial _3 +faced C+hrono_met+erBR01 96*A-cademia C*hro+nogr'aphJ12, Chrono+graph'Mova+doChr-onom.atic .49De -Ville- CoAxial +Co'Axial *Rat+trapan-teLaure'ato_ EVO Ch,ronog_raphMa'xi 'Marine ,C.hronom.eterPear,lma.ster 18*k .GoldCal'atrav*a C.hronogr.ap,hCo_Axi*al Au*tomat.ic *Chrono+meterA L,ange' & S,ohneChr.istia,n Di*or Cuf,fl_inks.Limited ,FF. Editio,n Chron+o.graphGran*d* Compl*ication +C*hronograp*hTif.fa*ny & +CO Neckla,ceDe. Ville' Co +Ax.ialSa,rcarLouis_ 'Vuitton *Ba,gs & -WalletsFo'rmula- 1, Serie_s +1 Ch'rono,graphFi'eroJ1,2 Bl'ack T*ourbilli,on,Diagon,o Sotir_io C'hronog'r+aphClat+rava .Classic+Supe'rleg,gera J,12 _Black C*hro+nogra,phTort,ue Ch*ronogra'phO_val Ser_ies.Luminor+ Mar,ina- Tourb,illon+Aqua*racer A_utoma'tic, Chronog'r_aphSp-eedmas*ter Pro-fe,ssional C,hr.onog+raphLo-uis 'Vuitton *Bags, & Wall-e,tsPan+omaticD'iag*ono Tita-niumH-ubl,otLea-ther .band Da*tejus,tNavi,time*r C'hrono+MaticRa'ttrapa-nte C,hrono,graph_ I*BR01 To*urb-illon- Rubb-er Strap_Aqua,timer 'Chrono*g_raphA'quara.cer Calib+re S 'Chro,no+graph +Lapti*meNavit.imerSe_amas_ter A,qua Te'rra' Railma,sterL-ou'is Vui*tton Ba+gs &, Walle'tsAig'ner_Kirium*Ne+w Sant-os Seri-es S+antos -100'Monogr-am Pe_rfoNom,ad,eCartie-r Ballp'oin.tOmega- Sea+master' Pla,net +OceanG'rand_ Comp,licati,on Chr,onog*rap,hNavitim-erCasa,blanc.a L+eather' Ban_dLon.g Island+ Chro'nog_raph_Baig+noire,eeLou_is Vu*itton 'Bags -& Wa.lletsDu,al _Chrono.grap-hMill-e Mi,glia +Chronog_raph -Sta'inles,s Steel* Brace*l,etChro'nomat Ch+rono.graphD+olce *& Ga+bbanaB+ai'gnoire ,Al* Vu-i.tton Bag_s & -Walle*tsR*ettan.goloHapp-y Dia-monds-Cuff'linksCl.assic, -Square* Autom_ati-cPasha CB,vlg,ari C_uffli'nksBR0+1 97 P*ower -Reser+veSc-haff+hausen +Reg.ulateur_Chr+onogr+aph In-dica,tor b*y Ex,ternaSl,im C,ase- Auto*matic,Seamaster. P*ro 300m ,Seam_ast-er 300,m GMT*GMT* Chro,nograp.hRoy_al Oak Of,fsh,ore+ Chronog_raph-Louis V*uitt-on Bag,s & .Wall,etsChr'ist*al B_racel'etJub.ile Qu-artz Men- W+ithout D,iam'ond Be-zel O_ptionT+a.nk Fr,ancaise- Chron_og*raphLo,uis Vu.itton+ Bag-s & Wa.llets-Louis+ Vu.itton. Bags & W_a_lletsL-ange.matik. Perp.etualOys_ter D,ateju-st 1-8k .& SSM.ust 2.1 Series_ Mus-t 21- Chr*onograp.hJa-quet ,DrozLi+mited _FF Ed.itio,n Chr+onograph.Lumin'or Au+tomat+i*c Tour'billio,nTori*no Chr+onogra*p.hGucci Ba_llpoi-n*tPortugu'ese Ch.ron_ograph-Baby -acc_essorie+sConc+or_dJ12 Cl*ass*ic Diamon,ds+ Chr,onogra-phJ12 -Classi_c 'Diamond.sLong* Is,land C_hron-ographB'ell. & RossSt+ Dupo+nt' Rol+lerDay +Date T.ourb*illonJ,12* Supe_rlegge'ra Chr,ono+graphLu+minor M-arina* ,Tourbillo, Olymp,ic .Colle.ction T.ime'less'Mille M-iglia .GMT' Rub,ber Stra-pPorto-fin-o Au-tomatic+Spor-t Ev,olution. Imp.act Tou-rb'illon,Calat+rava,Astronomi*cal C*e.lestia_l Dou+ble D+ialRet*tangol'o C'hronogra,p'hLouis _Vuitt-on Ba+gs & Wa,l-letsT-ommy Hil-fige_r Ch_rono'graphP_anerai.Reve,rsoTourb_ill.on R'egulato-rT.iffany .& CO N+ec'klaceHa*ute Hor.log-erie To_u-rbillo,nTT3, Chronogr.aphV.eron*a Nu,ovo18.Kt/SS. Two Ton.e Jub*ilee* Dat,ejustVe,rona ,N.uovoVINT.AGE 12+6C_arrera_ Chro,nograp*h Tac-hymet,erKe+ychains_C,asablanca, S.S Brace+letCo_'Axia_l Aut_oma,tic C-hronom'*ey Mot*or_sJ12 'White 'Tour*billion.Calatr'ava C.h,ronogr'aphKin*g Conq-uistad-o-r Cortez' C'hrono.graph+BR 01 'RAIDCh,ronomat_ic -49Chop.ard -Pend-antG'MTCarbon_ Chr-onograp,hL*angemati_k Big* Dat*eSotir+io *Compli*catio+ns T_ourbil-lonLo_uis- Vuitton_ .Bags & W+allets'N_avitime-r Moo,nphase* C.hrono*graphJ12_ Wh'ite Le,athe,r Band-Loui_s Vuitt+on B,ags, & Wallet,s.Cufflin_ksE+asy Dive,r C,hronog,raphW*hite +Murakam,iBla_nc,painTiff_an+y & C_o Jewelry-Sun*set+King Conq_ui'stador C_ort_ez C*hrono-grap_hGucci ,Cuffli-nksAv*en+ger Tita*niumH-appy D.iamon*ds S*pi-rit Ed*ition*Mont ,Blan.c Keyc_hainsCh'ronosw+issF'iero.Penda+ntZ+enithT*he LinkN+a_vitimer -125E* Ch,ronog_raphStar. Plat-inu_m Chr+onograph+S.chaffh,ausen M,ark, XVGuc.ciPiag*etLumi'nor +Arkto'sMi-llenaryA.d-miral's C+up _Chro'nograp.hCalibr*o 3-03 Ch*ronogra_phS.port' Evo'lutio*n Impac,t T'ourbill_onSpeed.mast_er Pro_fes.sio.nal Chron+o_graphMig-lia Gr'a'n Turi+smo XL+Datogr_aph P-erp-etualMo'naco *24 -Calibre .Aut_omat_ic Chro+nograp+hAdm_iral 'S Li*mite_d Edit-ionFull' S,tain.less Ste-el Ju,bi-lee Datej* Vu_itton B.ags & .Walle_tsCort*i,na Ch'ronograph_ (B+race+let)'Leathe'r band 'Datej-us,tPano Re'tr'o Gra.phMiglia_ Gran _Turi,smo ,XLSt'ar Chr.ono'graphVari.ant-es To_urbillo'n Sp*ortsCo' .Chrono.grap'h (Bra+celet)'Luminor* Auto+ma*tic To_urbilli.o'nLoui_s Vuitt.on +Bags & Wa_llet*sL.ouis V'uitton 'Bags &* *Walle,tsBR .01 RAID.Jubil'ee D'atejus't 1_8k & ,SSTank.TankJ12 +T-wo tone ,Bla,ckFo*rmula 1* Ind+y 500 *Edition_Supe+rl-eggera J_12 Whi.te C_hr.onograph-Se'nator Nav'i*gator C,hronog_rap*hSub-mersible- M+oonphaseB+rushe,d +Steel Se+rie_sSp_ortiv-o Chr*onogra+phMo-naco 24 C+alib_re* Auto-matic C'hrono*graphC'razy_ Hours' To'urbi'llon Pow+er+ Indicato+rRoya'l+ Oak C+hronogr.ap-hPresiden't Wh'ite- GoldLou-i's Vui.tton Bag-s & _Walle'tsNew' Santos+ *Series +Santos _1'00Navitim_erCa'sablan+ca *Chro'nographJ*12 T'wo -tone Chr-onog.rap*hSpitfir+e M-ark_ XVErg*on Chro-nogra,phLoui.s+ Vuitton 'Bag's &' WalletsL_oui-s Vuitt,on & -Wall+etsC'onqui*stad,or Chron,o+graph,ReversoL*ouis ,Vuitt.on B*ags _& Wall_ets_Concord,Compli-cation-s Ch'ronogr_aphPr'e,sident .18k '& SSRa-diomir- To*urbill-ion'Tank _Americain-eGra-nde +Com.plica.tions .Perpe_tual Ca,lender* +Chronog.raphOm*ega S-peed.maste.r Pr*ofessio,nalHan.dbag-s &. Walle*ts Allo_ngee+ Cei'ntureBv-lgari_Sa_ratogaBr-ittFr,an,ck Mu.llerSant-os 10'0 F-lyin*g Tou-rbillio.nCrazy, Ho,urs Co_lo+r Drea-ms To'urbill+onTag H+eue_rPorto_fino +Automa-ticGr-an+ Tur_ismo C.hrono'grap.hTourbill+io'n Cl*assic Co.llec.tionT.ank Sty-le W'atc,hes Tank. .DivanS'tar Pl+atinum_ Chr-onograp_hBrac'ele'tJ12 Cl'a.ssicMaste'r *Collec.tion_ Master' Auto'ma-tic B*ig Dat+eLouis V*uitto'n_ Bags _& Wallet-sLa_nge' 1Day Dat_e ,Tourbil+lonT-iffany' & CO' B+racele.tsLouis. V'uitton B-ags .& Wal,lets*Big Pi'lotPrec*i_ous Metal, ,Flight_ Deck- MBSk'eleton A_u,tomati_cDe V-ille .Co Axi.alO+yster Da*tejus+t Whit,e'ea Sea, Dwell-erMig+lia Pow_er 'Control- G,ran Tur-ismo _XLTes.larL'ouis- Vuitton' Ba+gs &+ Wallet.sU-*BoatLo.uis 'Vuitt'on Bag.s & Wa-lle'tsOyster. .Day date '18k+ GoldCo,mp-licati.ons Ch'ronogr,aph' To*urbillio_nLumi,norLo+ng I*sland .Automa_t,icCar,tierChri,sta+l Brace*letNau.t'ilusRoad_st+erJubile-e Date* 18*k & SSLo+uis, Vuitto'n. Bags, & Wall-etsLa'niere*s S-eriesCart.i-erFerrari-Lange'ma*tik Perp_e*tualGra'n Tu-rismo Ch'ron'ographC.l,assic -Santo.s Series- S'antos'sicGucc.i -Keychain-sJ12 W_hi+te Chr'ono*graph.Louis_ Vuit+ton Bags+ & Wal'le.ts1884 +Chr_onograph+M-onogram +Coll.ecti.onLang,e 11_8Kt/S'S Two T*one R_ose _Gold O*yste.r Date.justLo,uis +Vuit,ton, Bags .& Walle-tsAqua_rac_er Aut'omati'cLe +Grande_ Cla*ssique .Qua'rtz _37mmPas-ha C 'Chron-ogra.phFull -Stain.le+ss St'eel .Dateju.stNBA 'Sta,r Yao ,Ming L.imit+ed Editi+onM_oon*phase'Crazy+ Hour.s Tour*billo'n Power* In*dica*torSport* Cla.ssiq'ueCh_ronogr-aphTi.ffany & 'Co *Jew,elryTT3, Ch*ronograp'hJ12' Class'ic Dia_mon,ds Chr'onogra_phT_ourbi+llon ,Regul.atorS_anto+s 100. Flyi'ng To-urbill_ionBla+ncp-ainT-ourbilli+on Ch+ron,ographHa'u-te Horlog,eri.e Tour.billo+nLi,mited &' N.umber+ed Editio'nsFo*rmul'a 1 Ind'y 5*00 Edit-io*nJ12- White To_u-rbillion.Lo.uis Vuit*ton -Bags &_ Wall+etsLum_i.nor Su,bmer_sibleCo_-Axia+l Powe-r R-eserve'Jew,elry &_ Acce*ssories' M'aster Cla+ssic* Au_tomat_icMer-cedes Be_nz+ SLR Ch-ronog+raphG.olden_ Tour.billo*n .Panoram-ique*J12 Cl+ass.ic Di*amonds Ch,ron+ograph+Ferr-ari 'Scuderia' +GMTErgonE.sper*anzaC'hr-istian Di,or* Keychai+ns,Formu'la 1 Se+ri*es Fo_rmula 1SE'Roton-de* Tour+billonLi-m'ited & Nu'mb,ered+ Editi'onsCh*ronomat*ic Ce-rtifie+ Chr,on.ometreMon-t +BlancT+eslar+ (Dia-mond b-ezel)'Aqu-arace.r Autom*atic C+hrono,gra*phDam_ier* Canva.s18Kt./SS T*wo Tone ,Oys_ter+ Datejust.Roads,ter.Master _C_ollect'ion Mast.e*r Aut.omati'c Chrono*gr*aphGuess_Kirium_ Fo'rmula +1Ma.ster B.anker *To,urbillon. Ch'ronograp.hTit,an C,hronog.raphLu+min'or Ma,rina To+urbi'llon*Clas'sique ,Compli+cat_ion Tou,rbillo+nAdmi+ral's. Cup, To,urbill'ion 48J+12 Wh_ite 'Tour*billi.onPate_k Phi*lipp+eLan,gematik 'Bi'g DateD-oubl_e Eagl'e Chro+nom_eter 'Mid *Size,Aquara*cer Cali_bre- 5 Aut,om.aticP_anomati+c C-hronogr.aphD_ual Chro*nogr+aphAd+mira.l's Cu*p -Chronogra+p+hPort.ugues+e Clas,sicLum*inor* Automat+ic To+ur,billi+onJ12 B'lack. Tour'billion*De- Ville .Co. Axial+ Chrono_met,erFull 1,8K .Gold Pr*e.sidentia'l +Day Dat_e, Ic+ed*Chopard,J12 C,lassic ,Di-amonds 'Chrono'graph_Euro '20.08 L'imited E+dition_ Chro'no'graphD,atogra,phL-imite+d Spor_ts E-dition C*hron.ogr+aphMas'ter ,Classic- Auto.mati_cAven-ger Ti-ta'niumCha*nelD,e Vi-lle Co' AxialAq.uarac'erLo*uis _Vuitton+ B*ags & *Wal.letsM,ont Bl.ancSp_ort XXL, Chro_no*graph Aut'omati*cJu.bil+eeSport. Classi,q,ueChronog-r-aph

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6t6yeu8i9 F,erra'ri Grantu+ri,smo .Rattr-apanteGuc,c+i BagsAud*ace 'C1 Ch'ronogr-ap*hMust +De Car'ti*erScha_ffha*usen A'quati_mer Chro-nogr+aph.J12 Bla'ck Chr*onog_rap,hTank' Americ'ai'neAig,nerGrand .Carre_ra ,Cal-ibre C,hrono+grap_hChopa+rdGo*lden *Tourbi'llon_ Panorami-queFe+rrar'i Scud+eria *G,MTRett.angolo -Chr,onogr-aphMast.erp*iece 'White Go*ldJ12* Two- t+one Ch.ronogr,aphNav*iti*mer Rang,e.Seamast'er Aqu'a Te+rra Ch+ro'nometer*Co_,Axial Aut*omat*ic+ Chronome*te'rGran,d Carr+era ,Calibr,e Ch-ronogra,ph_SunsetJ1_2 C.lass+ic Chr+onograp*hMont +Bl_anc F.ountai*n Pen_Imperi*al T'ourbi.llo,n Moonphr+as_e Chrono+gr_aphU-B-oatPo*rto*fino *Automat*icC*alibre, 360+ Autom+aticC'o_Ax*ial Pow_er 'ReserveC.orumL-ong ,Islan.d Au+tomati-cLoui.s Vui-tton+ Bag*s & Wall+ets18,Kt/-SS Tw'o Tone' Presi*de.ntial Dat*ejus_tD'upont Cu-ffl.inksClas+sic_ Square. Au,tom_aticHerme's_ Cuffli,nksGucc_i Bag*sC.onqui-stad'orPort_ugues+e FA J_ones Ed'it_ionArma_ni Ke*ychain_sPor.tu.guese 'Classic'Link A,ut*omatic C,hron+ogr,aphDay +Date T-ou+rbillonL'oui's Vuitt-on B.ags &+ Wa-lletsPar_isCr_azy 'Hours* Col,or Dr.eams' Tourb'illo-nParmigi_ani' Fleurie*rLang-e '1 Moonph-aseH-appy D-ia*mond,s Spir+it Editi'onPan'o,matic C+hro-nograp+hLock,etMaster-pie.ce 'White .Gold,Utah .Leathe-rKeych_ain,sTort*ue Chr'onog_raphFormu_la 1, S+eries F*ormula *1 Ch.ron'ogra'phLangem,at,ik Pe'rpetual_Oyst'er Date_ju*st 18k _& SSM'arin*e Chrono-grap,hTwent.y* 4Lou,is Vui,tton ,Bags & W-al-letsFor+mula +1 S+eries, Chronog'raphG*MTS-uper Oc'eanCh.rista,l B.rac'eletTank- Ameri.c*aineCompl'icat'ions .Chron_ograp.hLink' Cali_bre 5* Auto*mat'icAdmira,l_ S Limit,ed ,Editio,nJ12+ Whi.te Chron*ogra_phMo,vado+Sport Ev,olu.tion. Chronog'ra.phMill_e Mi+glia Chr.onogr,aph* Rubbe+r Strap'GM.TAudac*e C1 C,hron+ogra_phVer.sace Ke+yc,hainsPrec+i'ous Met_al C.lass_ico Gold,en Cr-ownLan_ie_res ,Series.Ergo, C+hron_ographGM,T C+hrono.graph_Louis+ Vu_itton Ba-gs_ & Walle+tsCl*assic Q*uartz'V*ersace +Keychai+nsFer-r_ari Gran,turi,smo R,attrap-anteGi+rard+ P.erregaux,Ferrar.i -Scud-eria Chr'onogr_aphEur'o 2_008, Limited +Edit_ion Ch.ron+ographK+ing' Co.nquistado,r .Corte+z Chrono-grap*hMont _Bl,anc Conqu_is_tador Co+r*tez C'hronog_raphFerr-a.ri Scuder.ia * L+eCou-ltre+Clas*sic R_oundL*ouis V+uitton 2'1 Se,rie,s Must 2,1 Ch+ronog'raph, Titan.iumLo_uis V+uitt'on B-ags &* Walle*tsDe -Vil.le Co 'Axia'l Chrono-me*terLouis. Vu.itt.on Ba'gs & W+alle+tsBR01 '97 Powe,r -Reserv+eCompli-ca+tions, Chrono'graph_ Tour,billio,nMov_adoBe,ntley, Mot_ors Ch-ro-nographPl'at,inum+/Whit_e Gold *Oyster _Datej,,gnoireCor,tina- Chr+onogr'aph (Br'acele-t)L_umin*or Marin_a Tou+rbi*llo+nEnicarSp-eed-mas,ter Br'oad 'ArrowCuff*lin'ksL,ouis Vui_tton* Bags* & +Wallet'sOmeg.a Sea.master .Pla'net Oc*ean Ch+ron*oRoa.dsterLou+is V,uitton .B,ags & Wa-lletsP,asha ,de_ Car+tierWeld+erJu,bil'ee Da'tejust S*SMovad-o_Luminor' GMTLou'i,s Vui,tton Bag_s &- Walle-tsA+ssioma Ch+ronog,raphC*r+azy H_ours Tou.rbill,ionTor-tue_ Seri+esExcal_ibur* Chron,ogra-phS'anto's 100_ Chrono*grap+hSotiri+o Comp+li-cation,s Tour*bil.lonTi*me W-alker GMT+ Auto_ma,tic *Chron,ographPar*isNic*olas 'Rieus-sec' Chro_nogr.aph P+latinu'mSe-amaste+r Pro *300m S*eamast*er- 300m .GMTTurn,ogra_ph .SSBracel.etF_err_ari Scu.der+ia GMTF_lig-ht Deck .Ch,ronogr'aph T-ourbi_llonJu.bile, Quartz, Me-n With .Di-amond Be_zel, Datej*ust 18k, & SSL*oui_s Vui*tton B_ags &_ W.allet'sPiccadil+y (_Dia_mond bez'el)F-err*ari G.rantur,ismo- GMTCla*ssique, Com,pli+cation.sSport*s Co,llecti_on Con_ques*tFormul_a 1' Serie.s -Formula *1GMT 'Chron*ograph,Mo,ntBla,nc Cuffl'inks,Su.bmersibl-e Moon,p_haseB*ell & Ro_ssLoui's V+uitto-n & Wal+letsB-ell +& Ross,BR SP+iage.tLo.uis Vui,tt_on Ba_gs & Wall_e*tsMaste*r Colle,cti,on Ma,ster .Automat.ic Bi.g+ DateNo_made-Lange _1Tank+Dual t+im-e Chronom_e,terFu+ll Stai_nless, Steel+ Da.teju_stMigl'ia Gra-n T_urismo X.L Chr'onog+raph,Craz_y Col_or Drea'msTho.usan*ds of F_eet .CS3 C*hron*ographSp+itfi-re UT_CMono-gra,m PerfoV_egas_ Autom*at,icCom-plicatio-n_sGucci R.oller-Lou+is Vui'tto-n Bags* & Wa'llet,sSchaff.hause,n Re-gulateu,'y & CO B*ra-celetsPi'aget.Mont Bl-ancC,hronom.eter* Mo'onpha+se L+imite'd Edition'C*oncord-GC D-iver Chi+c Chr.onogra_phLu-minorS*port +Evol+ution. C,hronog,raphGucc.i G C*l-assicP+ortugu_ese F_A Jones' E-ditio,nF1 Du,al Tim,e +Chron'ographP_ash.a COmeg.a Seam'ast*er Plane-t 'Ocean_ ChronoP*asha_ d*e Carti.erDe -Ville+ Co A'xialDa_mier. Ca.nvasL+ouis Vuit'ton B*ags &, Wal.letsB*entley, Mo-tors T.Must 2_1 _Series -Must '21 Qua_rtz+Louis V.uitt'on+ Bags & W-al,lets,Classic S-anto*s *Series+ Santos- Clas_sicTac+h*ymetre* Chr+onographC_arre.ra Cal.ibre _1Kiri.um_ Form+ula 1P'reci+ous Me*tal Fli.ght' Dec'k Chron*og,raphForm-ula 1. S*eries .Formul'a 1L'ongin.esSt Dup_on+t Bal-lpoin,tSerenad+e1884' He-rcul_es Se_riesLumi-no+r Arktos'Salva_to_re Ferr'agamo ,Ke-ychai.nsCa.latra+vaVINTA+GE 126B.R S.Nav'itime_r 125E Ch*ro,nogra,phOmeg'a Seam,aste_r Spe_cia'l Edition*Gir*ard P+err'egauxBR+01 94* Chron*ograph'Gary, Suff-ir C,hron.ograp_h Automa.ticP-rada* Keych_ai-nsBR01 +Tour+billon 'Rubb+er St,rap,Tourbill,on- Regulat+orD,amier C*anva_sPresi*dent 1-8k *GoldRoa-d,sterSpeci*aliti*e-s Oly*mpic -Collectio*n_ ,Vuitt_on Bags -& Wal-letsPo_rtugu+ese C,la-ssicDe C+oAxial Co-Axia.l ,Rattrapa.nt,eFormu-la 1' Serie's Formul+a' 1St Du,pont. Ballpoi,ntSli*m _Quart_zLuminor+ *Dayligh,tGucci'Chan*elR'oyal OakJ_12* Cla'ssic -Diamo*ndsTo.urbill,ion Chr_on,ograp_hsOrisD &* _G Keychai-nsP-ortofin.o Aut,omat,icNB'A Sta.r Yao, Min'g Limit'ed E-dition,Slim_ Case A_utoma'tic'Ellipt,ic*aDoubl*e Eag_le Chr-onom.eter* Mid *SizeS*ubmersib*le M_oonphas_eMoon'pha,seTech.nomari_n.eConcord+Curv+ex A+utomat_icD_iagon-o Scuba C'h_ronograph+Oyst-er -Perpet'ual 18k_ G+oldAudac.e C1 *Ch'ronogr,aphPe+arlmas*ter. 18k Go+ld-Skyrace-r Rav+en Chr*on_ograp.hJ12 Cla,ssic D+i*amond+s Chronog*rap.hCalat'ravaLo_ng. Islan+d Auto_matic_Ta.nk Fran'cai*se Chr,onograph*Twent.y 450't-h Anniver-s*arySpo_rt Evolu-ti*on Chr'onogr-aphJo_ut &' Nui,t Autom*aticL,ouis ,Vuitton_ .Bags *& Wal,letsRot_ond-e Tou*rbillo_nTour*bill.on Regula.tor_Louis V,uitt,on Ba-gs & .Wa'lletsAqua,r+acer A+utomatic* -Chronogr.aphP_oliceGu.cci'Oyster +Perp.etua.l SSOme.g*a Spe,edmast+er Profe's+sionalD,upont. Cu-fflinks'Ful.l Sta.inless S*teel* Jubile'e Da-te* Cont.rolLouis _Vuitt-on .Bags _& Wa'lletsM'iglia Tur'ismo X_LSa-rcarSEBru+sh.ed Ste+el Se*rie-sVINT+AGE 126+For+mula 1 S_er.ies For*mul-a 1 Chron.ogr_aphLou+is Vu_itton, Bag*s & Wal.let,sCl_assic Car*re*raLoui-s V_uitton Ba,g-s & Wa.llet-sLang_e 1Rolex' S*ports Mod*e*lsConq,uistad+orMast_er C-ontro-lDe Vil-le+ CoAx*ial Co,Axi-al Rattr.apant*ePre+cious .Me_tal Gol+den Crow_nMas_ter+ Collect.ion, Mast,er Au-tom,atic Chr'onogr+aphMo+nt Bl+anc Fo.untai.n +PenLu*minor ,MarinaL'ou_is Vuit*ton. Bags .& Wal.let+sDe Vi*lle Co _Axial *3 fa-ced +Chr_onometerP_recio+u,s Met'al Fligh+t _Deck,no T.itaniu_mAlumi*niumM+ercede+s Ben-z SLR ,C'hronogra*phM-onza C* 36_Franck M*uller_Pano. Ret+ro Gra+ph.18Kt/SS+ Two To+ne' Rose G.ol'd Oyster ,Datej,u_stBentle*y G'T 47mm +Edi_tionHer+me's Cuffli+nksCom.plica.tions*T*ourbill.on R_egulato.rK*ing C,onquistad+or C_ort_ez Chro-nograp_hO_mega* Seama.ster -Planet' Oc_ean Chron.o_Archit+ecte Au*toma_ticSupe'rleg,gera_ J12- Whit*eDe Vil'le Co ,Axia*l Ch.ronomet'erFul_l Siz,e Fi,ve T_ime -Zone *Watches .47mm -Leat-her Ba,ndLou_is_ Vuitto.n B*ags & Wa'llets.Happy. -Diamo,ndsGucci+ Cu*ffli'nksOm*ega Sea-mast_er Pl-anet Oce,a+nJ12 Two ,tone +White.Oyste+r D'atej_ust 18.k & .SSMo.vadoMon*t Bl*ancSalva+tor,e Fer'rag*amo Ke.ychainsJ-12 Wh+i+teSea-masterWh'ite M,urak-ami.BR Gran,d Com,plic*ation _Chronog-raph.Louis* Vuitt*on & Wa'llet_sFlyback -Spor+ts C.hrono'grap*hAquanau,t 50.66aGar*y Su_ffir- Chro.nogra'ph Aut.oma_ticTac'hyme+tre Chro*nogra*p-hMille' Migli,a G.MT Sta*inle'ss Stee*l Brac,eletS.onat*a Chron,ograp.h Co_llecti+o*nCasa-blanc_a Lea*ther Band'Ro+tonde, Tour.billonLo*uis V.u.itton Ba,gs- & Wallet-sVari'a*ntes Tour*bi-llon S-portsP*ort-uguese F_A Jon-es E_ditio.nPea*rlmast-er_ 18k Go-ldArc'hitec-te Ch.ronogra'phP.ash*a C C'hronogra-phSpit'fi*re Mark_ XVA,ude,mars *PiguetGr_and C*om,plica+tion Chro_nogr.aphNe,ckla,ceWh,ite M,urak,amiGMT.CartierN+av_itimer M'oonph.ase, Chrono'gr_aphL.ouis ,Vuitt,on Bags -& Wal,letsSo_nata 'C-hronogr,aph Co+llecti,on-Avenge+r Ti,tani+umSkelet,on +Auto,matic.De Ville *C_o Axia+l 3 fa+ced 21* +Series M*ust 21' 'QuartzBR0*1 9-7 Po.wer R,eserveS,ant-os 1*00 Ch-ronogr*aphCo_Ax'ia*l Po-wer R.eserve'ErgonJa.cob- & Co,Louis V.uit,ton Ba'gs & W+alle+tsClass'iqu'e Comp,li*cation .Tourbi-llon_Royal' Oak C_hr,onograp*hHappy. Diamo,n'dsLum-inor Su+bme*rsibl+eLouis V,uitton- B*ags +& Walle'tsCl.assic Ch'ronog,r_aphTesl*arLouis, Bags, & Wal,let-sJ12 Bla*c-k Chronog_ra*phJ12 W_hit*eGC SE, 1 Ch*ronog+raphN.aviti+mer C_hrono-Mat_icLe G.rande _Classiq*u-e Quartz' 37mmS_kyra_cer 'Rave'n Chro,nog,raphSubm'ersib-le 19*73Conq-u,istado+r Chrono+graph*K*iriumS'eamaster- Aqu+a Ter-ra Ra.ilm*aster1-8Kt/SS* Two T-on_e Presid+entia.l .Dateju* 'Vuitton_ Bag_s & Wa-llets-Compli+ca*tions* Chro+nograph,Louis *Vuitto,n B_ags. & Wa'lletsSpo*rts_ Chron'ograph_Con_cord+Louis Vu_it,ton Bags, & Wal,le-tsF1 Dua+l +Time _Chron*ographJ_aeger. LeCou*ltreM.ille 'Mi'glia GMT, .Rubbe_r StrapG.rahamC*arti,er -Rollerba'llLi*ghte.rsO*mega S.eamaste.r 3,00 M* Racin,g Chrono+meter+Chris.tia+n Di_or Ke+ychain.sChri,sti-an Dior 1, Series, F+ormula 1- Chron*ograp.hCr.azy' Hours *Color _Dre*ams T*ourbi.llonJubi-le'e Date*just S*SJubil*eeLou_is V_uitt*on Bags, & W_allet+sTT1*Classic-Be*ntley. Motors+Cal-ibre 3+60 Aut'oma-ticGuc_ci G Cl-a,ssicL-ouis Vuit.ton 'Ba_gs & W.alletsJ+ubile,e D'ateju,st 18k &- SSPi_c_cadily '(Diamon.d b.eze.l)Lumi,nor P_ower _Reser,vePar+isBR0_1 96Mi.lle Mig-l-ia Chron-ogra,ph St_ain-less Stee,l Bra-ce+letMi*lle Migl_ia- Chronog+ra-ph Rubbe,r_ StrapP_ash.a de -Carti'erHapp_y Diamon'd's Spir-it Edit,ionAr+chit+ecte. Chrono_graphS-unse*tJ_aquet Dro+zCra+zy Hou+r_sNaviti+mer.BR01 'Tourbi_llon Rub_ber_ StrapC,a_libre- 360 Aut'omat,icOmega_ De. Vil*le Co 'Axial+ Chrono_gr*aphAlum.iniu_m Chron-ogr,aphCh'rono*meter Mo-o-nphase *Lim_ited Ed,itionB+MW Or,acl+e Tour.billon, Chron'og'raph-Carbon, Chro*nogra.phLaur-eato E.VO Ch_ro_nograph-Loui-s Vu*itton Bag*s, & Wallet_sS,EDua'l Chrono*gr'aphDolce- & .Gabba'naSli'm Quartz,Louis. Vu.itton' Bags. & Wa-llet_sPan*thereB Z.eroL+oui*s Vui,tton 'Bags .& Wallets,Pa+nomatic-Aqu* Cali.bre *5 Au+tomatic -Chr+onog*raphJ1*2 Classi_cTa'nk A+mericain,eG.C SE_ 1 Chr+onogr+aphCraz,y Colo-r D,ream.sFormul,a ,1 Kimi Ra.ik-konen -Edition.Admi.ra,l's Cup +Tide-s 4-8Dual_ time Chr.onom'eter1'88'4 Hercule-s S_erie,sPresi'den,t White G*old'Handbag*s- & Walle.ts' Tiffan*y &- CO Brace.lets_Fer.rari S-cuderia_ ,GMTPlat.inu'm/White' Go_ld Oyster. D'atej.ustCur.vex Aut_om'aticCh-rono*matic 49O_yster' D.atejust -SSSu.bmer,sible, Moonp-ha.seFerrari_ Scud*eria 'GM_TSpit_fire M*ark XVS* ,T Dup-ont Rep_lica -Lighte_rs Co.ll+ection* 2006P+ortug-ues_e FA Jone-s 'Edit*ionRole.x Da,tejusts.Oyst*er Da+tej+ust Whit.e Go_ldAign*erS.port _Evol_ution I,mpac't To*urbillonT_achy.metr+e C'hrono+graph_Speedm+aste_r Profess'iona*l C'hronogr.ap.hD & G K-eycha+ins'Pasha de. Ca+rtier*Luminor+ -Daylight-Gucci* Rol,ler*Slim Qu+artz'De Vill'e _Co Axia*l18,Kt/SS Tw'o Tone' Ro*se 'Gold Pr,esident*ial D-atej,ust.Time.walke-r Chrono+gr*aphLou_is Vuitt,on Ba-g*s & W,allets,Schaffha_usen. Pilo+t's *Wat-ches Spit,f*ire Chro,nogr.aphTe.chno-mari.neCra,zy Color+ Dre_ams18Kt'/SS T'w,o Ton-e Datej-ustC_o_Axial- Au.tomatic' Chr,onomete.r'Jewelry -& Acce'ss+ories Cr*azy H*ours *T_ourbi* 1 M-oo,nphase+Kirium ,Formul*a 1'50t*h Ann,iversaryC_la,ssic' RoundN+eckla'ceRadio_mir-Master ,Colle,c-tion Mas_ter Au,to*matic- Chr*onogra*phLouis _Vui'tto_n Bags _& Wall,ets'Moonp.haseJ1.2 Cl-assic Di+amond-sPa-nom.aticVaria-nt-es To.urbil-lon Spo-rts.Hermes W+at.chesC_hron,o Banker_Datogr'aph P.erpet,ualN-avit*ime.r Moonph+ase Ch,r_onograp+hLo+uis V.uitton. Cuffl+ink.sHublotPo_rt_uguese ,Cla'ssicJ12 *Black+ N.avitim*er Ran,geGo+lden T_ourb_illo'n Panor+ami+queL.ouis _Vuitt+on Bag_s & -Wallet'sFer,rari Scu.deria, GMTM-ont- BlancPh.ilip +St'einJ1.2 Black, T_ourbilli,onM+aster B'anker ,Tou*rbi,llon Chro_nogra-phVer.ona -Nuov'oAs-sioma. Chronogr+aph-

If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.

Sexual Health

Restore your sex life,
or just give it a little kick.

Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently.

This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever.

With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well.

What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you.

Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement.

Always be ready.

If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra.

When the time is right, you'll always be ready.




If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.

Relax and take your time.

CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes.

With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time.


If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.

Sexual Health

Restore your sex life,
or just give it a little kick.

Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently.

This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever.

With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well.

What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you.

Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement.

Always be ready.

If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra.

When the time is right, you'll always be ready.




If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.

Relax and take your time.

CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes.

With CIALIS you don't have to hurry if you dont want to and you don't have to schedule your love making. You and your partner can relax and take time to choose the moment that's right for you, whether it's right now, or later on. You've got time.


If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.

Sexual Health

Restore your sex life,
or just give it a little kick.

Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes referred to as impotence, is the inability for a sexually active male to obtain and sustain an erection for sexual purposes. In the past, this has been very embarrassing for men, and a source of anxiety for their partners, and, in fact, there has been very little diagnostic testing or treatment options available until very recently.

This problem affects at least 30 percent of all adult males, and 85 percent of the causes of ED are organic and due to an actual physical problem. In general, only 15 percent are of a severe nature, which is to say, the inability to obtain any type of erection whatsoever.

With the advent of the safe and effective oral medications Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil), the entire evaluation and treatment process for ED has become revolutionized. Since 1998, the number of patients seen by physicians has doubled, and up to 75 percent of these patients will respond very well to Viagra. The remainder might need other treatment modalities, some of which include combinations with Viagra or Cialis. Any physician can prescribe Viagra and Cialis; however, being seen by a doctor is not necessary in order to try the medication and see if it works well for you. These medications are proven to be effective, and are safe enough to be taken by men who are taking other medications as well.

What are you waiting for? Restore your sex life to normal, or just give it a little extra kick. Millions of men use Viagra and Cialis today, improving their sex lives permanently. The boost to their confidence is undeniable, and their relationships are stronger and more intimate. Try it today to see if it's right for you.

Sex can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. It strengthens relationships and adds excitement.

Always be ready.

If you have a problem getting or keeping an erection, you are not alone. In fact, more than half of all men over forty have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. This condition, called erectile dysfunction (ED), occurs with younger and older men as well, but there's a safe, effective and easy method of treatment: Viagra.

When the time is right, you'll always be ready.




If a relaxing moment turns into the right moment, will you be ready? You can be with CIALIS.

Relax and take your time.

CIALIS is the only ED tablet clinically proven to both work up to 36 hours and work in some men as fast as 15 minutes.

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6t6yeu8i9 Lin+k A.utoma_tic C'hrono,graphGu.cci .G Cl+assicLo*uis *Vuit,ton Ba-gs & Wa'll,etsLim*ited S,ports *E,dition *Chron,ograph, C-hron+ographGra*nde *Compl_icat,ions P,erpet_ual Ca.lende.r Ch*ronog-rap-hDewittA*d-miral's C*up Co.mpet'iti*on 40_50th A,nnivers_ar+yImperi,al Tou.rbi'llon M.oo-nphrase_ Chr*onogra_phRicha'rd Mi.lleL+umi-nor Ma.rina, Leat*her Ba.ndLoui-s Vu-itt_on Bags' & _Wallets.Vin_tage '1945 XXL *Ch,ronogra.phRole,x Spo,rts- Model*sLumin*o-r Rubb,er Ba-ndFl+ight_ Deck C-hr.onogr'aph Tourb'illon.U+lysses N-ardin-Ha'ppy Diamo-nds -Spiri-t Ed,itionR*oya_l Oak T.our-billon_ Chro'nogra.phPe*arlmaste,r '18k Gol+dDato-graph* Per'petu.alHa'ppy Diamo,n,ds Spo-rt OvalC'hrono+swis+sU-_Boat*Flight De'ck Ch.ronog_raph' Tour+bil,lonTan_k St_yle Watc+h'es Tank' DivanC_art+ier Rol.lerba*l_lLuminor ,Dayl+ightDa-tog_rap-h Per'petualO*mega' De +Ville +Co Axi-al +Chron_omete-rLouis Vu.i.tton Cuf'fl.inksBR' SS T Du+pont -Li-ghters _Go,ld Series.F,ull Siz+e Fi+ve T*ime Zon-e Watc-hes 4,7m_m Leather_ Ba-ndSea-master ,Co_A.xia_lMon't Bla+ncIWCR'otonde+ To-urbil,lon P'erpetual_ Ca,lendarR,oad_ster Chr,onogr*ap_h18Kt*/SS Tw-o Tone, Oys*ter Dat_ej-ustLi-nk ser*ies Ch,rono'graph*Craz'y Hours ,Co+lor Dr,eams +Tour-billon,Mont .Blanc- Ba'llpointB.lack *Murak,am.iCalat.ravaMona'co *Chronog.raph-Clas-sic. Square A+ut,omat-ic1815 ,Chron,ogra_phJ12* Two _tone -BlackJ12- Two *tone _Chr,ono+graphPea,rlm*aster Wh*ite' Gol_dJ12' Clas.sic Di_amond's Chron-ogra'phJ12' Tw-o tone _Chron,ograph,Tiffan.y & C_O .Brace.letsL'ouis -Vuitto_n Bag,s &' Wallets.Louis _Vuit+ton' Bags. & Date-just ,Whi*te Gol_dRoadste+r Ch+ronog*raphH'ublo*tCr*azy H+ours ,Color Dr-eams T,our'billonC.raz+y Hou-rs Tour,billo+n 'Powe.r Ind.icato+rBR01_ Tourb.illon' Rub'ber Stra'pBr*ittCh_rist+al Di'amond ,Brace-letMax+i Mar.ine Ch,ron,ometerD .&. G Keyc-hai.ns1932 M.oon*phaseMon*t _Blan-cLange 1J.ou*t & N,uit Auto_matic,18Kt*/SS+ Two -Tone Ros+e. Gold Pre-side-nti*al Da.tejustT_ortu'e S,eriesGran*de S+onn,erie Tou-r'billon Mo,o'nphrase' Ch,ronograph*L*ouis V*uitton .Bags &, W-alle*tsLouis- Vuitt_on & W_alle*tsEDCI.ON L.imita_da C-hro-nograp,hGuessMi*g-lia Mil,le GTR.adoCl'as+sique Com-pli+cati-on To'urbillo'nSeam_aste_r Pro 3*00*m Seamas,te+r 300m, GM,TOmega _De Vil_le, Co Axial' Chro+n+ometer+Rattr*apante_Christ_al Bra*ce.letP'ortofi'no Au+tomaticP,a'nomaticD-eni*m Coll,ecti*onMi-lle Mig-lia G_MT R.ubbe-r StrapR*adiomi,rJ'aeger. LeCou.ltreMas+t,er Collec.t-ion M*aster _Automa.tic Bi'g Dat'e1.8Kt/SS Tw*o +Tone R*ose+ Gold Pr,esi+dential -D*atejust.Omega_ Spe*edma.ster +Profe-ssionalFe,r*rari Gr+anturis.m-o Rattra,pante-Lang*e 1_Mille Mig*l'ia Chr.onog+raph Rub+ber' StrapN_eckla_cePen_dantCo_nqu,ist+ador ,KingB.entley+ GT 4'7mm Edi*tion+Full_ Size. Five .Tim.e Zone _Watch-es 47-mm Band+Dupon-t C.ufflin'ksMi*glia Gra'n +Turismo_ XLOmeg*a, Seama'ster 300- M GM.TDeep-sea* Sea Dw*eller_For*mula. 1 K*imi Rai*kko.nen Edit-ion188_4 _Chrono+graphBr-e-guetLo*uis ,Vuitto+n Bag_s & Wal*lets+Lumino*r Mar,in'aSlim- Case *Autom-aticTiff.any +& CO' Neckla*ce.GC SE 1- Chro_no.graphLum'in'or Marina' S.S Brace'letO_yster+ Da-y date Wh*it'e Go_ldMus,t De Ca'rtierCh,ro.nogr_aphe -Certifie- Chron-o-metre+PensSpe-cialit-ie*s Olym'pic Coll*e-ction .Timeles*sAlai-n Si_lbers,tein,Longines,Co*nquist,ado'r Chrono*graph'Maxi' Mar+ine Ch_ronome'ter*Chron_o Banker.Casab_lanc*a SS +Bra'celetS- T 'Dupont +Lig,hters Gol.d+ Serie+sFull 1,8K G-old Pre+s,identia_l Day D*ate, 'F,ully Iced- ,DialSt, Dup'ont B*allpo_intMonaco+ 24 +Ca.libre Aut'o,matic, Chron.ograp*hLan'gemat,ik Perpe+tua.lLight+ersNBA* Star +Yao, Mi+ng Limite*d Edi-tio-nPan-ther'eSunsetAs.s.ioma Heur_es, Ret_ro Ch'ronog-raphPat,ek Phi,lippe_Chron_om.atic +Certifi-e Ch*ronomet.reJae,ger Le.Co.ultreAss'io_ma Au'tomatic_Louis+ Vuit,ton_ Bags+ & Wa_lletsCo__Axia'l Aut-omatic_ Ch+ron'ometerM-onza Ca_lib*re -36Chrono-gra.phJu*bilee Da+tejus,t 1*8k & S,SLumin_or *Mari+na Rubb_er B_andLight.ersV,INTAGE, 1,26J12 T-ou_rbillonGu*cci'BR SP-ortofi+no Aut,oma'ticA+rchitec_te Ch+ro_nograp.hChron*oma-tic Certi*fi'e Chr_onome,treLo,uis Vu,itton 'Ba-gs & Wal'let+sLouis ,Vuit+ton_ Bags .& Wallet-sLoui*s- Vuitton_ Ba+gs &, Walle-tsAdm-irals C,up Chr-ono_grap,hWeld*erPo*rsche 'DesignO_megaFu*ll S*tainl_es's Steel ,Ju+bilee ,Datej'ustEr,gonPl*atinu+m/White_ Go,ld Pre'side*ntial Da.t*ejustC.asabla*nca Ch.ronog-raph_Lumi.nor D.ayli+ghtSubmer-sibl-e Mo.onph.aseLouis+ Vui+tton B.ags +& +WalletsT'eslarH*a'ndbags '& Walle-ts+ Gira.rd Perr,ega_uxSpee,dMaste_r *DateLoui+s Vu,itton B'ag*s & Wall*e'tsClas_sique Co_mp_licatio'n Tour,b,illonH+aute H.orloge'rie* Tourbi,ll,onChan,elLoui*s Vui,tto+n Bag's & W*alletsP-aneraiL'um-inor GM,TCompl-icat-io.ns Ch-ronog+raph Tou'rbil.lionRe+ttan*gol'oRadiomir'Ja,eger LeC+oultr,eBR 0,1 'RAIDC+lassi+c Au.tomatic'Tort.ue Chr_onogr_aphBe_ll & ,Ross'Jubil_e *Quartz M_en *With.out Di,amon.d Bezel O_pt-ionLoui+s Vuit*to*n Bags +& ,Walle'tsF1 *Dual T.ime *Chronog_raphTo'mmy H_ilfi'ger C+hronog_rap+hBaby. access*or.iesLocke-tCla,ssi.que Au_tomat+icGrand *Com.plic+ation C-hron,ogra.phBri_ttGran+de Com'plicat-ion+s Pe,rpetual +Cal'end+er Chron+ogr_aphThe+ Lin-kLoui.s Vuitt+on _Bags' & Wa,lletsH,appy,onds Sp-ort Sq,uar*eJ12 W,hit,e Chro-nogra,phJub*ileeLong'itude' 'Chrono'graphLo'uis Vu*it*ton Bags, _& Walle-tsRich,ard, Mil.leMont_ Blanc B*allp,ointDe- V,ille' Co Ax'ial Chr_onomet+er+Presi*dent ,White G+oldBl-ack 'Muraka-miChr,onomat* ,Chron_ographN'ew Sa-ntos+ Series .Sant_os' 100Om.ega Se-amas.ter Sp*ecial -Edi_tionM,ont Bla.ncPlat*inum/_Wh'ite 'Gold Oyst.e_r Datejus-tL,ouis V_uitton, Bags ,& Wal,lets.Chri*stian D'io+r Keyc_hai.nsSport C,lass,ique C.hro-nograp'hC-asabla-nca Leat+her *Band-Link _Calibr+e 5 A_ut+omaticLo-ngines,P_hilip St-ein,Louis_ Vuit-ton Ba*gs & _Wallet+sPr*ecious- Meta+l Fli*ght Dec_k M-BMa,ster Con*trol,Omeg.a Se,amast+er 300 M, GM.TLuminor'C-alatr-avaLo-uis Vui_tton Ba'gs* & Wal.letsJ'ubilee *Datej+u*st 18k '& SSB*entley. Mo_tors TL.ouis -Vuitto'n Bag,s & W,al.letsSp+eed-maste-r Broad _Ar+rowTag He_uerC_ompli,cat-ion Per-pet+ual Cal*endarP+asha 'C, Chron'ograph.18Kt/SS- Tw*o To'ne Ros_e Gold _Oys,ter Dat-eju+stPear,lmast'er 18*k +GoldT_T1Seam-aster* Pro 30'0m S+eamaste*r 30*0m GMT,Pari'sBentl,ey Mo,t'ors Chr'onograp-h,Jaquet Dr-ozO.mega 'Speed+mas.ter Prof_essi.onalM-ille _Miglia+ GMT +St*ainless S'teel _Br_aceletL-oui*s Vu_itton Bag*s_ & Walle-tsTou-rbilli,on Ch*ronog'ra+phCarti_erAlu'miniu.m Ch-ronog_raph,Navitim,er -Rang+eMono*gram C_ollec_tion,Louis Vui.tton, B,ags & Wal+lets,Fa_cetoJ12 W+hit+eTourb*illi*on C-hronog.rap+hsEllipti-ca-Migl.ia Tu-rismo_ XLOys_ter Da.y da-te 1*8k Go+ldConqui_st.ador 'SCLouis* Vuit*ton Ba_gs & W-alle_tsB.aby acc,es-soriesCo+mplica_tions-Maste-rp*iece _White' GoldLig+ht_ersCh,ronomete-r. Moonphas*e Lim*ited .Edi.tion'Louis. Vuitto-n B'ags & _Wallet'sHa*ppy Di'amonds -Spo'rt Squa.reB*vlgari .Cuff'li+nksHa+ppy Dia*mondsCo-_.Axial ,Autom+atic C_hrono+meterTo_mm*y Hilfi-ger ,Chro*nograp.hLou-is Vuit-ton' Bags & +Wa'lletsCon*qui,sta+dor Ch_ronog+raphCo+ncor.dLou'is Vu,itton *Bags &_ Wallet.sLou+is ,Vuitto-n Bags. & W_alletsG_ucci .Cuf+flinksN'a.vitime-r Chrono,Matic*As.siom+a Autom_aticLu, Str.apSea*master 'D,iver Ser'iesL_ouis+ Vuitt.on Bag_s & 'Wall,etsCla,ssique 'A'utomati+cSan'tos 10-0 Flyi-ng To*urbill'ion*U-Boa,tRoad.sterCla*s_sic Ca*rreraBr*ac,elet18K,t/SS ,Two T'one R+ose+ Gold, Oyster +Datej'ust-Watches .J12 C.lass'icC.hristi*an Dio+r +Keych_ainsSuper+le*ggera J1,2 Bl.ack. Chrono.gra+phboxset-sBig* Pilot+Nav'iti-mer Moonp_h.ase Chron_ogr*aphD+ouble* Eag'le Auto'mati-c Chron+ograp+hSt- Dupon't Foun-tainMu+st .De Car,tier,Lumino-r Mari+n,a Rubber 'Band'Grand, Co_mplic.ation C+hr.onogra,phLouis' V_uitton Cu+ffl'inks.Diag_ono R_ubberPe'arlmas+te-r 18k Go-ldPa*nerai*Must D-e C*artierJ-12 _Clas'sic Dia,mond_s Chro.nograph_Navi+timer.BR,01 97+ Power Re-ser*veF1 *Dual .Tim'e Chrono_graph+Kiriu'm For-mu*la 1Ta'nk Sty,le 'Watche-s Ta-nk DivanP,asha* S.eatimer 2-00-6Co_*Axial* Power. Rese*rveDe+ Vill,e CoA'xial 'CoAxial ,Rattr-a-panteSeam'ast-erGra*n Tu-rismo C'hronog.ra*phPla*tinum/Wh+ite .Gold, Presi_dent.ial ,Dateju,stSeam,aste'r A+qua Terra, R+ailmas_ter_Grand Com+plica*tio+n Chro,no-graphJ12 .G.TM Chr+onogr-aphLo,uis Vui'tton ,Bags+ & Wal.le,tsLouis +Vui_tton B-allpo_int'ChanelLo+ng Isl'a+nd*ities -Oly+mpic Co*lle-ction Tim_eless*Cr'azy Ho.urs, Tourbill*on P_ower_ Indic*ator18_Kt*/SS T-wo Tone, Pres'ident.ia-l Dateju*stCor'tina _Chr,onogr-aph (Br-acelet*)Clas_s_ic Qu*artzSmall+ Seco'nds E-di_tionL-e Grande- Cl*assi*que Quar_tz 37-mmSa*lvat'ore _Ferragam'o Key.cha*insRoya.l- Oak 'Tourbillo'n ,Chron_ographT+ank_Five, Time. Zone *Watch. Stainle,ss_ SteelLo*uis V*uitt*on, Bags* & Wal'letsSot_iri+o Compl+icat+ions ,Tourbil-lon.Louis V_uit'ton* Ballp*ointLoui_s V.uitton' Bags_ &. Wall_etsJ12- Whit.e Tourbi_llion*Pas+ha C C+hro-nographL+ouis* Vui*tton _Bags &. Wa_lletsK*ing C+onquist.ador -Cor_tez, Chrono*graphMo*ntBla*nc ,Cuf.flinks+Bentley 'GT 47-mm- Th,ou*sands _of Feet_ AS S_e,ries50,th Anni,vers*aryRa.ttrap'ante C-hro-nogra'phFe+rrari -Scude_ria C+hrono.graphCa-rtie,r Cuf-flin,ksNico,las -Rieu*ssec Ch,ronogr-aph *Pla,tinumNB*A Sta'r Ya_o Ming L*imi-ted E'ditio-nMo*nogram P-erfoCo'n'quist*adorLight+ersG.ucci- Rol*lerPanom,ati+cBR01* 97_ Power 'Reser-veTo.urbilli+on_ Moonphas*eSan+tos 10_0 Fl+ying+ Tourbi,lli'onTi-ffany ,& C.O Neckla*ce+Louis Vui+tt,on Bags_ & Wa'llets.Vero_na Nuov'oT*iffany &, CO+ Ne_cklaceCla's-sic Sa-ntos+ Series S+anto.s Cl+assi,cEmpo*rio Arma_niL_ocket.Lumin*or P,ower .Reser.veCompl_ic_ation 'Perpetua*l' Calen,darLum'ino+r Marina. Leat.her. BandGC+ Di+ver Ch*ic Chr.ono.graphB.R G*rand C+omplicat'io*n Chron'ogr,aphNe_w Sa.ntos S'eries* Santo*s 1,00Jubile* Qua_rtz Men. Wit*h -Diamond B+ez'el Op_tionCh*ronogra,phe- Ce-rtifie Ch'r_onome_trePa-sha d'e Car-tier ''s Autom.aticJ-ubileeC'a,sablanc.a C'hronogra.phSpit-f*ire UTCPe,arl-master '18_k GoldNe.ckla_ceLoui.s Vu'it.ton Bags- & W-alletsA+ud_emars Pi-guet-Baig+noire -Al-longeeCon-cor+dLo+uis Vui'tto*n Bag.s & Wal'letsH.aut*e Hor,logerie 'Tour-bil'lonLumi-nor 'ClassicE_uro 2-008- Limit_ed Ed,it.ion Chr,onograp'hPa+sha. de Ca'rtier+Tank Fr,anca'iseGuc_ci G C_lass*icJ_out &- Nuit 'Autom+ati,cSalva*tore Fe,rr-agamo Ke*yc+hainsSlim_ Q+uartzLe- Gr,ande Cl.ass.ique Qua_rtz 3+7mmBa+by ac-cess'orie-s18Kt/+SS Two* Tone' Rose, Go+ld Pres*iden'tia'l Da,tejust.Tourbi_lli+on Chron-ograph,sAlu,minium,To+urbill*ion +Chronog*raphs_Li_mited FF +Edit_ion C+hron-ographJ+aq'uet Dr+ozSea_maste_r Dive_r +SeriesSup*er' Ocea+nDua+l Chro,nographS'e*amaster P,ro' 300m -Seamas+ter 3,00m- GMTC.hristal_ Brace_let* Cal-ibr.e S C+hronog'raphRad.iomi.rR+otond.e de Cart+i_er Tour.billion+ Ch*ronogra,phDe- Vi-lle C'o Ax*ial Chron.ome-terGMT-Link *Auto.matic 'Chrono*graph_De *Vil-le Co Ax+ial -Chronom,e.terLouis' Vuitt+on .Bag's & Wal*lets_Chro,nometer +Mo.onphase L*imi-ted Ed-ition*Royal* Oak, Offsho+re T,3F,ull St.ainles_s Steel* J+ubilee' Da+tejus,tAlumin,iumLoui*s Vui-tton' B'ags & Wal_lets+Twent-y 4Con.stell+ati.on Clas-sicNa,v*itimer R+angeTi_ffa.ny -& CO Eari,ngs-Alai.n Silb'erstein.L+ouis Vu.itton B-ags' & Wa,llet-sMont B'lanc- Rol'lerba+llPiccad'il,y (Di-amond b,eze*l)Portu*guese, C*hrono'graphCa+rtie_r Rolle'rbal.l18Kt'/SS 'Two Tone, Ju,bilee .Dateju*stO+yste*r Da-tejus,t 18k &. SS-Louis. Vuitto.n Bags_ & Wa-lle-tsGC .SE 1 Chr,on'ographTu,rnogr-a+ph SSGu'essM.ont Bl+anc* Ballpo_intCo,mplic*ations* Chr_onograp-h _Tourbil'lionF*err-ari Gr-ant_urismo Ra,ttra-pa.nteLouis _Vu_itto,n Bags &- W'alletsA.dmiral+'s 'Cup Tid*es 48D*atog,ra'phAvenge+r Tita-niu.mCo_Ax'ia_l Power R-es+erveD'igital_ Seri,esGran-d *Compli.cation *Ch+ronog_raphM,oney Cli,pL-umino*r Regatt.aSkyr'acer* Ra,ven Chron_ogr-aph+Traditio,n Tou.rb.illon +Collecti.onMa-ster G,eogra*phic+ Autom*atic-Oy+ster Per.petu'al 18k .Go_ldDe V+ille- Co Ax,ialLum,inor+ Mari-naNew +Santo+s Se+ries. San,tos 100M-ust 2*1 +Series- Must '21 Chr-onog-raphCas,abla-nca To'u.rbillo-n Chro,nogra+phTank *S*tyle W*atche's Tan,k Divan,Ferr_ari S_cuderia, Ch,ronog*raph'Instrume.n*t BR Airb'o+rne Limit*ed E.ditio_nSEJ1-2 -White Tou+rbill+ion.Jubilee_ Date*jus+t SSDia,gono_ Rubbe,r+DiorBel*l & R+ossKe-ychains-Lou_is .Vuitton B.ags &, W+alle+tsMon-t Bla-ncMontBla-nc Cu-ffli-nksL'oui+s Vuitton* B-ags +& Wal+letsRoy*al Oak *Of,fshore* T3.J12 G-TM Chron*ograp.hChron-ogra-phTor+tu,e Chro-nogr,aphBa*ignoi,re18Kt/SS_ _Two T-one Rose *Gold+ Oys-ter Da'tej+ustBvl+gar*i Pen,dantLouis. V+uitton B+a_gs & Wa,llet'sEmporio- Arma-niM,ast-er Geo-graphi+c Au.tomat,icAdmira_l'*s Cup Ti,des_ 48Ul+ysse_s Nar,dinPolic,eAdmi,r'al's _Cup Comp,et-ition -40Jubil'e Qu,artz+ Men W*ithou-t D*iamond 'Bez'el Option+F'ive Time' Zo*ne Watc_h -Stainless- S_teelLoui*s V_uitton_ B,ags & +Walle,tsLink 'Autom-ati-c Ch+ronogr*aphD*e Ville C.o A_xia+l Chro_nometer*Mil_le Migl,ia, Chron+ograph L_eathe,r St-ra,pEmpor*io A-rmaniSu'perl.egge*ra J1-2 White, Chrono'graph'C-hopard_ Pendan-tSport* Clas,siqu*e Ch,ronogr+aphGra'nd -Compli.catio+n M-oonphase_ Chro*nog,raph,