Friday, January 15, 2010

1/15 Health - Google News

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Tiny wasp with potential for big impact - San Francisco Chronicle
January 15, 2010 at 3:07 AM

ABC Online

Tiny wasp with potential for big impact
San Francisco Chronicle
(01-14) 11:03 PST SAN FRANCISCO -- A tiny parasitic wasp, the venomous archenemy of many insects that ravage livestock and crops and trigger human disea! ses, has yielded the secret of its genes to an international team of scientists who decoded its ...
Parasitic wasps may hold pesticide, genetic secretsAFP
Mapping of wasp genome to help fight pests, diseaseSF State Campus Headlines
Sequencing Wasp Genome Sheds New Light on Sexual ParasiteScience Daily (press release)
GenomeWeb Daily News -Indiana University -ABC Online
all 55 news articles »

Parenthood linked to lower BP - Times of India
January 15, 2010 at 2:22 AM

Indian Express

Parenthood linked to lower BP
Times of India
The study by Brigham Young University researchers showed that parenthood is linked to lower blood pressure, particularly so among wome! n. Parenthood can be stressful, but it has health benefits too, says a new study. Parenthood is obviously not the only ...
Kids good for your health? Parents have lower blood pressureUSA Today
Have a kid and lower your blood pressure, researchers sayLos Angeles Times (blog)
Study: Moms Have Lower Blood PressuremyGLOSS!
KSL-TV -BusinessWeek -Irish Health
all 28 news articles »

WHO official denies exaggeration about dangers of swine flu pandemic - Washington Post
January 14, 2010 at 10:41 PM

WHO official denies exaggeration about dangers of swine flu pandemic
Washington Post
A top World Health Organization official dismissed charges Thursday that the agency exaggerated the threat posed by the! H1N1 virus and that it had been unduly influenced by the pharmaceutical industry to issue dire warnings about the swine ...
Pandemic Flu Scare Fades, Vaccine Glut Seen for Glaxo (Correct)BusinessWeek
WHO Addresses Media Misconceptions About H1N1 PandemicMedscape
Metro Health to provide free H1N1
The Hour -BBC News
all 1,910 news articles »

FDA Can't Regulate Electronic Cigarettes - New York Times
January 14, 2010 at 10:13 PM


FDA Can't Regulate Electronic Cigarettes
New York Times
By AP A federal judge says the Food and Drug Administration overstepped its authority in efforts to regulate electronic cigarettes. Regulators began halting shipments of electronic cigarettes last year. Th! e FDA said it found cancer-causing ingredients ...
FDA can't block importing of 'electronic cigarettes'Washington Post
What Was He Smoking? Judge Denies FDA Attempt to Ban Import of e-CigarettesAm Law Litigation Daily
Judge OKs imports of e-cigarettes, blasts FDAReuters!
Wall Street Journal -The BLT: Blog of Legal Times -ABC News
all 553 news articles »

Pandemic Flu Scare Fades, Vaccine Glut Seen for Glaxo, Novartis - BusinessWeek
January 14, 2010 at 9:30 PM

Pandemic Flu Scare Fades, Vaccine Glut Seen for Glaxo, Novartis
Jan. 15 (Bloomberg) -- The influenza pandemic that swept the globe and fueled concern that millions of people would die has resul! ted in an unprecedented glut of vaccine as fewer people than expected have sought immunization. ...
WHO Addresses Media Misconceptions About H1N1 PandemicMedscape
WHO official denies exaggeration about dangers of swine flu pandemicWashington Post
Metro Health to provide free H1N1
BBC News -Glens Falls Post-Star -CIDRAP
all 1,859 news articles »

Judge Orders FDA to Stop Blocking Imports of E-Cigarettes From China - New York Times
January 14, 2010 at 8:21 PM


Judge Orders FDA to Stop Blocking Imports of E-Cigarettes From China
New York Times
A federal judge on Thursday ordered the Food and Drug Administration to stop blocking the importation of electronic cigarettes from China and indicated that the devices should be regulated as! tobacco products rather than drug or medical ...
FDA can't block importing of Â'electronic cigarettes'Washington Post
What Was He Smoking? Judge Denies FDA Attempt to Ban Import of e-CigarettesAm Law Litigation Daily
E-Cigarette Manufactur! ers Score Major WinThe BLT: Blog of Legal Times
Reuters -ABC News -Wall Street Journal
all 543 news articles »

Have a kid and lower your blood pressure, researchers say - Los Angeles Times (blog)
January 14, 2010 at 8:19 PM


Have a kid and lower your blood pressure, researchers say
Los Angeles Times (blog)
The next time your little one dumps a cup of coffee into your laptop keyboard, keep this in mind: A new study finds that having c! hildren may be linked to having lower blood pressure. Researchers from Brigham Young University, the University of Utah and ...
Raising kids can lower blood pressure, BYU researcher saysDeseret News
Kids good for your health? Parents have lower blood pressureUSA Today
Study: Moms Have Lower Blood PressuremyG! LOSS
KSL-TV -Science Daily (press release) -BusinessWeek
all 20 news articles »

Leading COPD Drug Won't Harm Heart: FDA - BusinessWeek
January 14, 2010 at 7:42 PM

Daily Contributor

Leading COPD Drug Won't Harm Heart: FDA
THURSDAY, Jan. 14 (HealthDay News) -- The US Food and Drug Administration on Thursday said it found no good evidence that the Spiriva HandiHaler boosts heart risks in p! atients who use it to help control chronic obstructive pulmonary ...
No heart risk seen with Pfizer COPD drug -FDAReuters
FDA Finds No Heart Risk With Spiriva InhalerABC News
FDA Finds No Increased Stroke Risk With SpirivaWall Street Journal
MedPage Today -DG News -Daily Contributor
all 116 news articles »

Simple test could cut cancer deaths in poor nations - Reuters
January 14, 2010 at 7:17 PM


Simple test could cut cancer deaths in poor nations
LONDON (Reuters) - A simple "see and treat" approach using a test costing $2 could help doctors prevent 100000 cervical cancer deaths a year in women in poorer countries, British scientists said on Friday. Cervical cancer ! is the leading cause of cancer ...
Is HPV Running Rampant?WebMD
Study: 56% of young lovers are infected with HPVUSA Today
College STD rates startlingFlyer News
WACH -Edwardsville Intelligencer -StandardNet
all 50 news articles »

You Lose If You Don't Snooze; Lost Sleep Can't Be Recovered - BusinessWeek
January 14, 2010 at 6:05 PM

TopNews United States

You Lose If You Don't Snooze; Lost Sleep Can't Be Recovered
(Bloomberg) — People who frequently get too little sleep and try to make up the deficit with periodic longer bouts of rest ! perform more poorly at work, a study found. Nine participants in the study, published in the journal Science ...
Can't Sleep a Wink? Catching 40 Later Won't HelpHealthNews
Catching up on lost sleep a dangerous illusionUSA Today
One good night of sleep may do less than once thoughtPrivate MD
Reuters -TopNews United States
all 350 news articles »

Parasitic wasps may hold pesticide, genetic secrets - AFP
January 14, 2010 at 6:01 PM

Parasitic wasps may hold pesticide, genetic secrets
WASHINGTON — They are almost too small to see, but parasitic wasps possess a powerful poison and unusual genetic makeup that could give them outsized scientific importa! nce, according to US researchers. A group of scientists who sequenced the genomes of ...
Mapping of wasp genome to help fight pests, diseaseSF State Campus Headlines
Nature's 'smart bomb' genome revealedABC Online
Sequencing Wasp Genome Sheds New Light on Sexual ParasiteScience Daily (press release)
GenomeWeb Daily News -Indiana University -San Francisco Chronicle
all 48 news articles »

FDA Has No Authority Over Electronic Cigarettes, Judge Says - Wall Street Journal
January 14, 2010 at 4:34 PM

Legal News Line

FDA Has No Authority Over Electronic Cigarettes, Judge Says
Wall Street Journal
WASHINGTON—A federal judge said the Food and Drug Administration doesn't have the authority to seize electronic! cigarettes because the products don't qualify as devices subject to the agency's regulation. In a 32-page opinion, ...
Judge allows firms to import e-cigarettes into USReuters
Calif AG Sues E-Cigarette Maker, Says Cigs UnsafeABC News
FDA can't block import of 'electronic cigarettes,' judge rulesWashington Post
BusinessWeek -Legal News Line -San Francisco Chronicle
all 193 news articles »

Correction: Windpipe transplant story - Washington Post
January 14, 2010 at 4:00 PM

Correction: Windpipe transplant story
Washington Post
AP LONDON -- In a Jan. 13 story about an innovative windpipe transplant, The Associated Press erroneously described the time frame of the injury. Linda De Croock suffered! from her injury for more than 25 years, not 2 1/2 years.
Windpipe transplanted after being grown in woman's
Transplanted Trachea Grows Own Blood Supply in Patient's ArmBusinessWeek
Belgian doctors give woman a new windpipe after implanting it into her armThe Canadian ! Press
The Next Reporter (blog)
all 250 news articles »

Study warns of drug-resistant HIV strains - San Francisco Chronicle
January 14, 2010 at 3:57 PM

Bay Area Reporter

Study warns of drug-resistant HIV strains
San Francisco Chronicle
(01-14) 11:42 PST SAN FRANCISCO -- Drug-resistant strains of HIV could become more prevalent - even developing into "mini-epidemics" ! - in San Francisco over the next 10 years as patients live longer, healthier lives, according to a new model developed ...
New Study Raises Concerns About HIV Drug ResistanceTIME
HIV Drug Resistance Set to Rise?MedPage Today
Findings on HIV Mutations May Provide Leads in Drug ResearchHarvard Crimson
all 14 news articles »

No heart risk seen with Pfizer COPD drug -FDA - Reuters
January 14, 2010 at 3:45 PM

No heart risk seen with Pfizer COPD drug -FDA
WASHINGTON, Jan 14 (Reuters) - US health officials on Thursday said they found no increased risk of heart trouble with use of Pfizer Inc's (PFE.N) inhaled lung drug Spiriva. The US Food and Drug Administration, in a statement, said it had finished ...
FDA Finds No Increased Stroke Risk Wit! h SpirivaWall Street Journal
FDA finds no heart risk with Spiriva
Follow-Up to the October 2008 Updated Early Communication about an Ongoing ...Bioscience Technology
PR Newswire (press release) -Drug Store News (blog)
all 86 news articles »

Obesity rates stabilize but remain high - CNN
January 14, 2010 at 3:18 PM

National Post

Obesity rates stabilize but remain high
Expert: "Obesity is still the leading nutritional health problem facing Americans and the leading driver of health-care costs. Stopping it from going up is a nice start, but m! ore is needed." ( -- Obesity rates in the United ...
US obesity rates reaching a resting point, studies showLos Angeles Times
Americans are fat, study says, but not getting fatterSan Jose Mercury News
Obesity Rates Hit Plateau in US, Data SuggestNew York Times
USA Today -Wall Street Journal -CalorieLab Calorie Counter News
all 539 news articles »

Haiti's Health: From Bad To Worse - Newsweek
January 14, 2010 at 3:11 PM

Haiti's Health: From Bad To Worse
In the next few days, doctors will have to deal with an influx of patients—and a lack of supplies—to keep casualties to a minimum. When earthq! uakes strike cities that don't expect them. By Mary Carmichael | Newsweek Web Exclusive Please fill in the ...
Doctors Without Borders: Supplies and Staff ScarceNew York Times
Doctors Without Borders Report Dire Need for Care in HaitiFOXNews
Doc on Docs: Movie Spotlights Doctors Without BordersTheWrapBBC News -CBS News
all 280 news articles »

Haiti's Health: From Bad To Worse - Newsweek
January 14, 2010 at 3:11 PM

Haiti's Health: From Bad To Worse
In the next few days, doctors will have to deal with an influx of patients—and a lack of supplies—to keep casualties to a minimum. When earthq! uakes strike cities that don't expect them. By Mary Carmichael | Newsweek Web Exclusive Please fill in the ...
Doctors Without Borders: Supplies and Staff ScarceNew York Times
Doctors Without Borders Report Dire Need for Care in HaitiFOXNews
Survival on the line after Haiti quake: medical expertsAFP
Long Beach Press-Telegram -TheWrap -Phillyist
all 264 news articles »

State Watch: Walgreen Medicaid Prescription Threat, Conn. Insurance Claims - Kaiser Health News
January 14, 2010 at 10:51 AM

State Watch: Walgreen Medicaid Prescription Threat, Conn. Insurance Claims
Kaiser Health News
The (Spokane, Wash.) Spokesman-Review: "Walgreen Co. said it will stop filling Medicaid prescriptions at about half of its pharmacies in Washington next month because of continued reimbursement reductions" (Stucke, 1/14). The Wall Street Journal: It's ...
Walgreen protests Wash. state Medicaid paymentsReuters
Walgreen May Leave MedicaidHULIQ
Walgreens to cease Medicaid reimbursements at 64 Washington state pharmaciesDrug Store News (blog)
Pottstown Mercury -Earthtimes (press release) -Drug Store News (blog)
all 27 news articles »

You can't always catch up from sleep loss -
January 14, 2010 at 10:34 AM

China Daily

You can't always catch up from sleep loss
BOSTON, Jan. 14 (UPI) -- A good night's sleep cannot make up for chronic sleep deprivation, which has a snowball effect hurting a person's abili! ty to stay alert, Boston researchers say. People may think they're OK because their body's daily circadian ...
Catching up on lost sleep a dangerous illusionUSA Today
Chronic sleep loss hampers performanceReuters
Chronic sleep loss is hard to overcomeLos Angeles Times (blog)
WBUR -dBTechno -NECN
all 319 news articles »

WHO official: H1N1 threat not exaggerated - Washington Post
January 14, 2010 at 9:26 AM

ABC News

WHO official: H1N1 threat not exaggerated
Washington Post
A top World Health Organization official Thursday dismissed charges that the agency exaggerated the threat posed by the H1N1 virus and that it had! been unduly influenced by the pharmaceutical industry to issue dire warnings about the swine ...
Metro Health to provide free H1N1
Did UK get it right on swine flu?BBC News
WHO Denies Hyping Dangers of Swine FluVoice of America
Radio Iowa -Maui News -Opposing Views
all 1,803 news articles »

Read Excerpt: 'Food Rules' by Michael Pollan - ABC News
January 14, 2010 at 8:51 AM

ABC News

Read Excerpt: 'Food Rules' by Michael Pollan
ABC News
In "Food Rules" Michael Pollan solicited ideas from chefs, doctors, readers and others to come up with rules to eat by. From tips on break! fast cereals to plants to junk food Pollan, author of "The Omnivore's Dilemma," hopes to change your eating habits ...
Feasts and Food RulesIllinois Times
Michael Pollan's new pocket guide to eatingPhiladelphia Inquirer
Students pick Pollan's brainThe Daily Evergreen
New York Daily News -Christian Science Monitor -Georgetown University The Hoya
all 15 news articles »

Did UK get it right on swine flu? - BBC News
January 14, 2010 at 6:55 AM

Did UK get it right on swine flu?
BBC News
Governments and health chiefs took unprecedented steps to keep the first pandemic for 40 years at bay - but with the swine flu virus now looking to be on its way out, the que! stion on everyone's lips is did we over-react? ...
Interest in flu shots wanes as season goes onNorwalk Reflector
Swine flu vaccination clinics restart across Yolo CountyDaily Democrat
Chemung urges residents to get H1N1 vaccinationElmira Star-Gazette
In-Forum -San Jose Mercury News -South Bend Tribune
all 1,916 news articles »

WTHRFirst free H1N1 vaccination clinic opens to everyone - WTHR
January 14, 2010 at 5:04 AM

WTHRFirst free H1N1 vaccination clinic opens to everyone
Entertainment News from AP Indianapolis - Thursday is your chance to get a free H1N1 flu vaccine. The first public clinic offering free inoculations takes place on t! he city's south side. Previous clinics in Marion County have been reserved for only ...
No new H1N1-related deaths reported in NevadaSan Jose Mercury News
H1N1: A Deadly After Effect - Research SummaryBryan College Station Eagle
Free public H1N1 flu shots in Lincoln; school vaccination schedule announcedValley Breeze
Kansas City Star -San Antonio Express -Duke Chronicle
all 1,712 news articles »

People 'happier' at weekends, scientists 'discover' -
January 14, 2010 at 4:38 AM


People 'happier' at weekends, scientists 'discover'
It is something most of us have known for years but scientists have proven that people really! are happier and healthier on the weekend. Psychologists say the 'weekend effect' is due to the opportunity to spend time with loved ones. ...
Weekends are happier days for a reasonTopNews United States
Study finds people happier, more vital on
There's a reason you're happiest on weekendsUSA To! day
RocNow -Science Daily (press release) -Visit Bulgaria
all 58 news articles »

Morphine shows promise against post-traumatic stress disorder - Los Angeles Times
January 14, 2010 at 3:00 AM

Morphine shows promise against post-traumatic stress disorder
Los Angeles Times
Studies find that troops who got the powerful painkiller when injured were about 50% less likely to develop PTSD than those who didn't. The findings offer hope f! or preventive treatment. By Karen Kaplan Early administration of morphine to military ...
Morphine helps wounded avoid post-combat stressReuters
Morphine May Help Traumatic StressNew York Times
Morphine found to help stave off PTSD in wounded troopsWashington Post
KRQE -Minneapolis Star Tribune -HealthNews
all 224 news articles »

US obesity rates reaching a resting point, studies show - Los Angeles Times
January 14, 2010 at 12:11 AM


US obesity rates reaching a resting point, studies show
Los Angeles Times
The assessments from the CDC indicate that Americans may have turned a corner in fighting weight problems. But health experts say! there's more to be done to reverse the trend. Darrell Pender, working in his home office in Brooklyn, NY, has brought down ...
Obesity Rates Hit Plateau in US, Data SuggestNew York Times
Americans are fat, study says, but not getting fatterSan Jose Mercury News
US obesity rate leveling off, at about one-third of adultsUSA Today
Wall Street Journal -ABC News -FOXNews
all 552 news articles »

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