HealthDay - SATURDAY, Feb. 14 (HealthDay News) -- It wasn't all that long ago that any suggestion that a man had a "biological clock" like a woman, and should father children sooner rather than later, would have been given short scientific shrift.
AFP - The head of British drugs giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) said in a British newspaper Saturday he would cut prices for medication in developing countries and share knowledge of patented treatments.
HealthDay - SATURDAY, Feb. 14 (HealthDay News) -- It wasn't all that long ago that any suggestion that a man had a "biological clock" like a woman, and should father children sooner rather than later, would have been given short scientific shrift.
AP - Thousands of patients at a Veterans Administration clinic in Tennessee may have been exposed to the infectious body fluids of other patients when they had colonoscopies in recent years, and now VA medical facilities all over the U.S. are reviewing their own procedures.
The first case of a person being infected with the human form of mad cow disease after receiving contaminated blood plasma has been identified by scientists.