HealthDay - WEDNESDAY, Feb. 18 (HealthDay News) -- A drug currently used to treat nausea can prevent symptoms of withdrawal from illegal and prescription opioid drugs such as heroin, morphine and codeine, a new study shows.
AP - AIDS was the top killer among infectious diseases in China for the first time last year, with 6,897 people dying from the virus in the nine months through September, a state news agency said.
AP - An independent watchdog group says the government has quietly scaled back enforcement of federal quality regulations at labs that develop medical devices.
AP - A family desperate to save a child from a lethal brain disease sought highly experimental injections of fetal stem cells — injections that triggered tumors in the boy's brain and spinal cord, Israeli scientists reported Tuesday.
AP - A federal appeals court on Tuesday upheld the city's regulation requiring some chain restaurants to post calories on menus and menu boards, saying the rule is a reasonable effort to curb obesity.
HealthDay - MONDAY, Feb. 16 (HealthDay News) -- Doctors may not always have complete or clear information when they prescribe cancer medications for uses beyond what the drugs have been approved for, a new study finds.
HealthDay - TUESDAY, Feb. 17 (HealthDay News) -- About 20 percent of children with sensorineural hearing loss also have eye disorders, a new study has found.
AP - A government report says the rate of dangerous staph infections has dropped dramatically in hospital intensive-care units, a rare encouraging sign about a hard-to-treat "superbug." The report involving nearly 600 hospitals is the largest to document a long-term decline in the level of IV tube-related infections of MRSA, a deadly drug-resistant staph germ.
HealthDay - MONDAY, Feb. 16 (HealthDay News) -- Doctors may not always have complete or clear information when they prescribe cancer medications for uses beyond what the drugs have been approved for, a new study finds.
HealthDay - TUESDAY, Feb. 17 (HealthDay News) -- About 20 percent of children with sensorineural hearing loss also have eye disorders, a new study has found.
AFP - A synthetic steroid used to treat menopause symptoms and prevent osteoporosis significantly increases the risk of a relapse in breast cancer patients, according to a study released Tuesday.
Before drugs like Prozac or Zoloft doctors had just one 'cure' for depression: lobotomy. Dr J.R. Wittenborn was one of a group of 1950s scientists determined to come up with a more civilised treatment. But as his novelist son recalls his experiments in 'synthesising joy' came at great personal cost...
Taking up hobbies such as quilting pottery and even playing computer games in later life may substantially cut the risk of dementia a new study suggests.
Alan Landers the man who for years was the rugged face of Winston America's bestselling cigarette brand is suing the company claiming that their products led to the throat and lung cancer he is now battling.
Hollywood's most adept shapeshifters have long owed their bodies - and their careers - to a personal trainer. But are these musclebound kings of pain becoming a little too powerful?
For the second known time, surgeons Twittered a surgery last week by using social-networking site Twitter to give short real-time updates about the procedure
Mortsel, Belgium-based Agfa HealthCare, a part of the Agfa-Gevaert Group, has installed its IMPAX™ HeartStation™ ECG Management System at Singapore's National Heart Centre (NHC), to enable improved workflow of ECG processing, and integration capabilities.