Confidence among investors as a whole is a key factor in determining how the market behaves, economists say; when investors collectively lose confidence in the market, it is more likely to drop. In fact, confidence is an example of an "animal spirit," a term referring to the psychological factors that move the market.
President Obama is expected to sign an executive order Monday overturning a Bush-era policy that limited federal tax dollars for embryonic stem cell research.
The Bulgarian Ministry of Health, in a move to enable technology-driven healthcare transformation in the country, has opted for Agfa HealthCare's sixth generation picture archiving and communications system (PACS), IMPAX™ 6, which will be deployed at four hospitals across Bulgaria.
A Nobel prizewinning French researcher who codiscovered the virus that leads to Aids but sparked controversy after his colleague said he had claimed all the glory has now been accused of stealing the rights to a revolutionary invention that may provide a cure to the disease it emerged yesterday.
AP - Severe depression may silently break a seemingly healthy woman's heart. Doctors have long known that depression is common after a heart attack or stroke, and worsens those people's outcomes. Monday, Columbia University researchers reported new evidence that depression can lead to heart disease in the first place.
HealthDay - MONDAY, March 9 (HealthDay News) -- Injecting "bone cement" into lesions in patients whose cancer has spread to their bones can literally allow these individuals to rise from their deathbeds and live the remainder of their lives relatively pain-free.
AP - Striking new research shows dying blacks and Hispanics have much steeper treatment costs than whites, sobering evidence that racial health-care differences continue right up until death.
AP - The mother of a man charged in the Sunday shooting death of a church pastor blames Lyme disease for his mental problems. However, leading disease specialists say there's no convincing evidence linking the tickborne ailment to such violent behavior.
Reuters - In patients with stage II bladder cancer, the risk of death from cancer and other causes increases if surgery is not performed within 12 weeks of diagnosis, U.S. researchers report.
HealthDay - MONDAY, March 9 (HealthDay News) -- Men who put off becoming dads till later in life may pay a price: slightly lowered intelligence in their offspring.
Reuters - Children of older fathers appear to perform less well in intelligence tests during infancy and childhood, a study by researchers in Australia shows.