HealthDay - WEDNESDAY, Feb. 18 (HealthDay News) -- A drug currently used to treat nausea can prevent symptoms of withdrawal from illegal and prescription opioid drugs such as heroin, morphine and codeine, a new study shows.
AP - AIDS was the top killer among infectious diseases in China for the first time last year, with 6,897 people dying from the virus in the nine months through September, a state news agency said.
AP - An independent watchdog group says the government has quietly scaled back enforcement of federal quality regulations at labs that develop medical devices.
AP - A family desperate to save a child from a lethal brain disease sought highly experimental injections of fetal stem cells — injections that triggered tumors in the boy's brain and spinal cord, Israeli scientists reported Tuesday.
AP - A federal appeals court on Tuesday upheld the city's regulation requiring some chain restaurants to post calories on menus and menu boards, saying the rule is a reasonable effort to curb obesity.
HealthDay - MONDAY, Feb. 16 (HealthDay News) -- Doctors may not always have complete or clear information when they prescribe cancer medications for uses beyond what the drugs have been approved for, a new study finds.
HealthDay - TUESDAY, Feb. 17 (HealthDay News) -- About 20 percent of children with sensorineural hearing loss also have eye disorders, a new study has found.
AP - A government report says the rate of dangerous staph infections has dropped dramatically in hospital intensive-care units, a rare encouraging sign about a hard-to-treat "superbug." The report involving nearly 600 hospitals is the largest to document a long-term decline in the level of IV tube-related infections of MRSA, a deadly drug-resistant staph germ.
HealthDay - MONDAY, Feb. 16 (HealthDay News) -- Doctors may not always have complete or clear information when they prescribe cancer medications for uses beyond what the drugs have been approved for, a new study finds.
HealthDay - TUESDAY, Feb. 17 (HealthDay News) -- About 20 percent of children with sensorineural hearing loss also have eye disorders, a new study has found.
AFP - A synthetic steroid used to treat menopause symptoms and prevent osteoporosis significantly increases the risk of a relapse in breast cancer patients, according to a study released Tuesday.
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