HealthDay - SUNDAY, April 19 (HealthDay News) -- Adding the drug dasatinib to a standard, two-drug chemotherapy regimen for treating ovarian cancer boosted the effectiveness of the drugs in laboratory tests, new research shows.
HealthDay - MONDAY, April 20 (HealthDay News) -- Good nutrition may be more an issue of supply than demand in the poorest parts of the lower Mississippi Delta.
AP - Ever since campus counseling centers were established in the 1940s, college officials have known that the prevalence and severity of students' mental health problems were rising. They just didn't know by how much.
Reuters - Lowering the eligibility age for the federal Medicare health insurance plan for the elderly could reduce racial health disparities and help blacks and Hispanics live as long as whites, U.S. researchers said on Monday.
Reuters - Despite the fancy label, hospitals designated bariatric surgery "centers of excellence" have as many deaths and complications from the weight-loss procedure as others, U.S. researchers said on Monday.
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